Insights - Venn Workforce Optimization

On a Scale of 1-10: Tackling Pain Points in Workforce Management

Written by Mike Manusama | Jul 24, 2024 3:02:08 PM

On a Scale of 1-10, How Much Does Your Workforce Management Program Hurt?

Workforce Management is a critical part of every healthcare organization, but there are numerous issues that cause headaches for administrators and inefficiencies for organizations. Too often, we are living with the symptoms, instead of trying to treat the cause.


We wanted to break down the most common pain points that we see for clients in the workforce management space and show how a dynamic solution can be better than a couple of aspirin.


Locums Spend

Hospitals list Controlling Costs as one of the biggest challenges they face. With 15.2 of respondents saying it was the biggest concern for them.


But it doesn’t have to be that way. By more efficiently utilizing resources, we can make a quantifiable difference in locums spend.


By filling positions faster, we can better address needs and ensure there are no coverage and revenue gaps. At Venn, with our curated panel of suppliers, we can fill needed positions faster by utilizing the power of multiple agencies working together for you.


Healthcare organizations want to use their preferred vendors. Venn allows hospitals to maintain their existing relationships, while still taking advantage of efficiency and scale available through Venn’s services.


Through technology, Venn delivers a higher level of data and tracking. By better understanding your locums spend, you can budget appropriately and manage that spend in ways that will boost your bottom line.


Administrative Burden

We hear it all the time—I’m working with too many agencies. In some cases, clients are working with as many as 16 different agencies. That means many points of contact, difficulty onboarding clinicians and an inefficient use of time. Clients need to get out of the weeds and focus on the key drivers of their business, instead of managing agencies.


Venn makes it easy. We have a program manager who takes the administrative burden off the client, which speeds up the process and makes for a more efficient use of resources. You get the benefits of sourcing from multiple partners without the time spent managing multiple points of contact. Additionally, our VMS streamlines processes and delivers the level of actionable reporting you need to make decisions in real time.


No Customization

Workforce management solutions don’t come in a box—at least successful ones don’t. To find a solution that makes sense, you need something that fits the unique needs of your business. That level of innovation is rare in workforce management but can yield massive benefits.


At Venn, we are focused on innovation. It is vital that we find ways to make locum tenens drive revenue. As a result, we work to create customized solutions that fit each client’s unique needs, but it doesn’t stop there. We are constantly analyzing performance in order to align with the client’s KPIs. Then we revisit the strategy and innovate as we go.


Within our customized approach, we look to optimize labor utilization as a whole through scheduling improvements and float pool management. By integrating these into the contingent staffing plan, we gain a wholistic view of the situation and can create a dynamic solution.


Not Enough Technology

 In today’s world of workforce management, technology is the biggest driver of innovation, but we find many clients do not have access to what they actually spend on locums or receive detailed reporting on program results. This is alarming and easily fixable.


The goal of Venn at its core is to change workforce management from reactive to proactive. Reactive staffing is expensive and inefficient. By better utilizing technology, we will have better data and the ability to make real-time decisions. A proactive approach will yield speed, more efficient use of resources, and ultimately cost control. Technology brings transparency through data and should be a non-negotiable when looking for a staffing partner.